11. M. Wessel, N. V. Skorodumova, “Adhesion of the TiN/Fe interface with point defects from first
      principles”, J. Appl. Phys. 2013, 113, 014905. (DOI)
10. A. Miura, M. Wessel, R. Dronskowski, “Calculation of the electronic structure of delafossite AgTaN2 from
      first principles”, J. Cer. S. J. 2011, 119, 663-666. (DOI)
9.   M. Wessel, R. Dronskowski, “A new phase in the binary iron nitride system? -  the prediction of iron
      pernitrde, FeN2”, J. Chem. Eur. 2011, 17, 2598-2603. (DOI)
8.   J. Burghaus, M. Wessel, A. Houben, R. Dronskowski, “Advanced thermodynamic, magnetic and
      electronic structure calculations of GaFe3N“, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 10148-10155. (DOI) 
7.   M. Krings, M. Wessel, W. Wilsmann, P. Müller, R. Dronskowski, “Temperature-controlled phase-pure
      synthesis of alpha- and beta-SrNCN and their GGA density-functional  energetic ranking“,
      Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 2267-2272. (DOI)
6.   M. Wessel, R. Dronskowski, ”The nature of N-N bonding within high-pressure noble-metal
      pernitrides and the prediction of lanthanum pernitride“, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 2421-2429. (DOI)
5.   M. Wessel, R. Dronskowski, “A first-principles study on the existence and structures
      of the lighter alkaline-earth pernitrides“, J. Comput. Chem. 2010, 31, 1613-1617. (DOI)
4.   M. Krings, M. Wessel, R. Dronskowski, “EuI2, a low-temperature europium(II) iodide phase”,
      Acta Cryst. C 2009, 65, 66-68. (DOI)
3.   R. Niewa, D. Rau, A. Wosylus, K. Meier, M. Wessel, M. Hanfland, R. Dronskowski, U. Schwarz,
      “High-pressure high-temperature phase transition of γ′-Fe4N”, J. Alloys Compd. 2009, 480, 76-80. (DOI)
U. Schwarz, A. Wosylus, M. Wessel, R. Dronskowski, M. Hanfland, D. Rau, R. Niewa, “High-pressure-
high-temperature behavior of ζ-Fe2N and phase transition to ε-Fe3N1.5”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2009, 12,
1634-1639. (DOI)
R. Niewa, D. Rau, A. Wosylus, K. Meier, M. Hanfland, M. Wessel, R. Dronskowski, D.A. Dzivenko,
      R. Riedel, U. Schwarz, “High-pressure, high-temperature single-crystal growth, ab initio electronic
structure calculations, and equation of state of ε-Fe3N1+x”, Chem. Mater. 2009, 21, 392-398. (DOI)
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